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Monday, January 31, 2011
HARUN YAHYA NOTES: Miracles of the Quran
by Harun Yahya هارون يحيى on Saturday, 10 July 2010 at 11:53
MALAYSIA - Former Prime Minister Badawi at Harun Yahya Conference 29 oct 2010M
Kuala Lumpur'daki Petra Dunya Ticaret Merkezi'nde 29 Ocak'ta duzenlenen konferansa onceki Malezya Basbakani Abdullah Ahmad Badawi de katildi ve Harun Yahya eserlerine olan destegini ifade etti.
1000 kisinin uzerinde dinleyicinin katildigi konferansta Evrim teorisinin cokusu ve Yaratilis Gercegi konulari anlatildi.
After that He smoothed out the Earth.
(Qur'an, 79:30)
Miracles of the Quran
In the above verse, the word "dahaa" is used in the original Arabic. It, translated as "smoothed out," comes from the word "dahaw," meaning "to spread." Although the word "dahaw" also means to cover or to set out, the meaning of the verb is more than just a prosaic setting out, since it describes setting out in a circle.
The concept of roundness is also present in other words derived from "dahaw." For example, the word "dahaw" also refers to children dropping a ball into a hole in the ground, games involving throwing stones into holes and games played with walnuts. Words derived from that root are also used for an ostrich making a nest, cleaning stones from where it is about to lie down, the place where it lays its eggs and the egg itself.
Indeed, the Earth is round, in a manner reminiscent of an egg. The slightly flattened spherical shape of the Earth is known as geoid. From that point of view, the use of the word "dahaa" contains important information about the shape that Allah has given to the Earth. For hundreds of years, people imagined the Earth to be completely flat and only learned the truth thanks to technology. Yet, this fact was revealed in the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago.
It is He Who made the Earth a couch for you, and the sky a dome. He sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits for your provision. Do not, then, knowingly make others equal to Allah. (Qur'an, 2:22)
Here, the sky is described as "al-samaa' binaa'." As well as the meaning of "dome" or "ceiling," this also describes a kind of tent-like covering used by the Bedouin.23 By describing the sky as a tent-like structure, the Qur'an is emphasizing that it is a form of protection against external elements.
Even if we are generally unaware of it, a large number of meteors fall to the Earth, as they do to the other planets. The reason why these make enormous craters on other planets but do no harm on Earth is that the atmosphere puts up considerable resistance to a falling meteor. The meteor is unable to withstand this for long and loses much of its mass from combustion due to friction. This danger, which might otherwise cause terrible disasters, is thus prevented thanks to the atmosphere. As well as the verses regarding the protective properties of the atmosphere cited above, attention is also drawn to the special creation in the following verse:
Don't you see that Allah has made everything on the Earth subservient to you and the ships running upon the sea by His command? He holds back the heaven, preventing it from falling to the Earth-except by His permission. Allah is All-Compassionate to humanity, Most Merciful. (Qur'an, 22:65)
The protective property of the atmosphere we discussed in the preceding section protects the Earth from space-in other words, from external elements. With the word "dome," referring to the sky in the above verse, attention is drawn to this aspect of the sky, which could not possibly have been known at the time of our Prophet (saas). The fact that this information was imparted 1,400 years ago in the Qur'an, when there were no spacecraft or giant telescopes, shows that the Qur'an is the revelation of our Lord, the Omniscient.
And [I swear] by the night when it draws in, and by the dawn when it breathes in. (Qur'an, 81:17-18)
Light is one of the most essential elements in the performance of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis varies in proportion to the intensity and duration of the light source. With the reception of the Sun’s rays in the morning, photosynthesis—in other words, the production of oxygen begins.
When plants undergo photosynthesis, they take in carbon dioxide, a harmful gas that human beings cannot consume, from the air, and give off oxygen instead. Oxygen, which we breathe and which is our basic source of life, is the main product of photosynthesis. Some 30% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by plants on land, the remaining 70% being produced by plants and single-celled living things in the seas and oceans.
Photosynthesis is a complex process, and one which scientists have still not yet fully understood. This process cannot be observed with the naked eye, because the mechanism employs atoms and molecules. However, we can see the results of photosynthesis in the oxygen which enables us to breathe, and in the foodstuffs that keep us alive. Photosynthesis is a system which involves complicated chemical formulae and units of weight, and on very small scale, and consisting of the most sensitive equilibriums. There are trillions of chemical laboratories that carry out this process in all the green plants around us. Furthermore, plants have been meeting our oxygen, food and energy needs non-stop for millions of years.
The productivity of photosynthesis is measured by the level of oxygen output. The greatest point is in the morning, when the Sun's rays are most concentrated. At dawn, the leaves begin to sweat, and photosynthesis increases accordingly. In the afternoon, however, the opposite applies; in other words photosynthesis slows down, and respiration increases because as the temperature rises perspiration also increases. At night, as the temperature falls, perspiration declines and the plant rests.
The term "itha tanaffasa" in Surat at-Takwir, in reference to the morning hours, in other words, "when it breathes in," is a metaphorical reference to breathing, respiration, or breathing deeply. This term particularly emphasises the way that the production of oxygen begins in the morning, and that the greatest levels of oxygen, essential for respiration, are given off at that time. The importance of the phenomena is also emphasised by the way that Allah swears upon it. The way that Allah indicates the action of photosynthesis, among the most important discoveries of the 20th century, in this verse, is another of the scientific miracles of the Qur'an.
Photosynthesis is the use by plants and sometimes by certain bacteria and single-cell life forms of the Sun’s rays in order to produce sugar (carbohydrate) from carbon dioxide and water. As a result of this reaction, the energy in the Sun’s rays is stored inside the sugar molecule produced. The following formula summarises the reaction that takes place during the process by which unusable solar energy is transformed into usable chemical energy:
6H2O + 6CO2 ---PHOTOSYNTHESIS---> C6H12O6+ 6O2
(6 water molecules + 6 carbon dioxide molecules are turned into 1 sugar molecule and 6 oxygen molecules by means of photosynthesis.)
MQTK Bahagian Agama & Kaunseling [BAKA PDRM] BUKIT AMAN MALAYSIA
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TELAGA HAUDH RASULULLAH S.A.W. - *Al-Haudh* dari sudut bahasa bermaksud kolam atau tempat air, tetapi yang dimaksudkan haudh di sini adalah telaga Rasulullah SAW kerana Allah SWT menyed...10 years ago
About Me
- Madina, Saudi Arabia, Israel
- Raja-Raja Melayu adalah Ahlulbait. Nak mengenal AhlulBait perlu mengenal Raja-Raja Melayu; Dan nak mengenal Raja-Raja Melayu perlu kenal orang Melayu dahulu.
Al-Jawiyun nama gelarannya, Tanah jawi tempat asalnya. Kemuncak zaman keagungan di abad ke 13.
and than The Last ZORRO (MQTK laa..!! zappP_____zZ .. InsyaAllah..
Then The Sultanate get 14 offspring of siblings and 7 to the East [(Federated Malay-Monarchy (YM Syed Hussein JamadilKubra Nusantara 1350M)] and 7 more people living in the continent of India (India-Pakistan-Afghanistan), two streams of Islam distinguishes this continent with the Islamic Middle East or Islamic Modern hybrids or Islamic or any name in Islam, but conditions still have 73 Islamic groups, but split up Resurrection.
Ahlulbayt for hunting and is killed by the Muslims themselves who do not like the direction that God's love in Ahlulbayt. Then Ahlulbayt killed and hated until now. Because Islam is the belief that elected caliph of Ahlulbayt. Those murderers saidina Hussein (Grandson of the Prophet Muhammad ) this is the hadith that rotate (Words by Prophet Muhammad SAW) and said it was the basis of Islam. This problem should be resolved by our IMAM.. (last task given)!
3:33 Allah chose Adam, Noah, Abraham Family (Ahlulbayt) and Imran Family (Jew and Christian) than from other nations in his day; as a descendant of a descendant of the other. "
61:4. O you who believe! Be you helpers of Allâh as said 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), to AlHawârîûn (the disciples): "Who are my helpers (in the Cause) of Allâh?" AlHawârîeen (the disciples) said: "We are Allâh's helpers" (i.e. we will strive in His Cause!). Then a group of the Children of Israel believed and a group disbelieved. So We gave power to those who believed against their enemies, and they became the uppermost.
Keliru Abraham ke Ibrahim? Musa ke Moses? Haurn ke Aron? Ishak ke Isaac? Muhammad ke Ahmad? Isa ke Jesus? dan yang mana satu jantannya dan yang mana betinanya?..hahaha..
Tidak Kami tinggalkan melainkan tertulis dalam KITAB yang NYATA sebelum peristiwa itu berlaku; supaya kamu tidak bersedih hati di atas apa yang luput daripada kamu dan tidak terlalu bersukacita di atas apa yang telah Kami kurniakan pada kamu." (alquran)
King's of The Los Kingdom/.. zapp___zZ The Last ZORRO 1909M/BobspekRockers alKubra/Azurri68...
'PERISTIWA TRAGEDI KAIN CINDAI' -DYMM Sultan Kelantan, SULTAN MUHAMMAD KE V dari titihan Raja Long Yunus, yang mana Raja Long Yunus telah dilantik oleh datuknendaku Tengku Sri Maharaja Datuk Perdana Menteri LONG GAFFAR (1576M) menjadi Sultan Kelantan dan dipanggil 'Pemerintahan Raja Dua Bersaudara'. Dalam "Tragedi Kain Cindai' itu, Raja Long Gaffar telah membunuh Sultan Kelantan di masa itu, iaitu Raja Long Pandak dan menukar Sultan baru (Raja Long Yunus). Kemudian Datuknendaku membuat pemerintahan HUDUD YANG PERTAMA DI KELANTAN dan berpusat di pondok LIMBAT; Wasiat Raja Long Gaffar pada Raja Long Yunus; "ADIK! KAMU DUDUK DALAM ISTANA, BIAR ABE PEGANG RAKYAT"
>>> Warisan Siti Qantura-Nabi Ibrahim (Yunnan) adalah Puteri yang ketiga bernama Puteri Linang Cahaya; yang berkahwin akan dia dengan Ketua Wali 7 di Nusantara, Syed Hussien JamadilKubra @ Jamaluddin AlAkhbar @ salasilah alKubra, dari kerajaan kesultanan Delhi/Deccan (Zoroaster-Monghul-Ahlulbait); yang BERWASIAT KEPADA ZURIATNYA SUPAYA, 'JANGAN MAKAN IKAN KEKACANG'..!! Maka dari keturunan keduanya lahirlah Syed Ali Nurul Alam (Empayar PATTANI) Yang juga digelar Sultan Qumbul atau Patih Gajah Mada, Merupakan moyang kepada Wali Songo yang ternama itu. Dari keturunan keduanyakah akan lahirnya Bani Tamim itu? Yang disebut 'PEMBANTU AL-MAHDI DI AKHIR ZAMAN'...??!! yang mana akhirnya Bani Tamim akan menyerahkan kekuasaannya pada seseorang yang digelar AL HASYIMI .... wallah'hualam..
Suatu hari, ketika berdebat dengan Muawiyyah (Penulis Wahyu zaman Nabi iaitu bapa kepada Yazid Laknatullah), maka nenda kita Syaidina Hassan telah berkata:
"Wahai Muawiyyah! Bagaimana kami harus mengikut kamu di dunia ini sedangkan kami adalah KHALIFAH kamu di akhirat. Dan bagaimana kami perlu mengikut kamu di dunia ini sedangkan kamulah yang perlu mengikut kami di akhirat nanti".
"Kalaulah Tidak kerana aku mahukan RAHMAT ALLAH (alquran) tersebar di antara kalian, nescaya aku tidak akan berbicara dengan kalian semua"
(for Malay language only)
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